Hello, we are Attic Guys

Attic Service you can trust!

Our 5-Star Reviews Prove It

Attic Guys Clients

We’re not bragging, but we’ve got some friends in high places.

Attic Insulation Services

Integrated Attic Insulation Cleaning Service

Integrated Attic Insulation Cleaning

Attic Insulation Cleaning, Sanitizing and Replacement all-in-one

Attic Insulation Removal Service

Attic Insulation Removal

We like to get our hands dirty - well, gloves really! You get the point.

Install Attic Insulation

Install Attic Insulation

Insulation is itchy, let us do the hard work. .

Air Duct Replacement

Air Duct Replacement

Proper air flow and balancing is crucial to a fully functioning system.

Attic Radiant Barrier Service

Attic Radiant Barrier

Block the Suns' rays before they even enter your attic.

Attic Air Sealing Service

Attic Air Sealing

Achieve better efficiency and comfort in your home.

Attic Rodent Proofing Service

Attic Rodent Proofing

We can't let the pests ruin our good work! Once the attic is clean let's keep the pests out.

Rodent Dropping Cleanup Service

Rodent Dropping Cleanup

Pests make a mess, we'll clean it up. It's not easy work but somebody's gotta do it!

Attic Guys Integrated Attic Service Process

Check out our work

Take a peek inside our Wonderworld
Ready! Before Attic Insulation Service
Ready! Before Attic Insulation Service
Set! Attic Insulation Removal Tech
Set! Attic Insulation Removal Tech
Go! Fiberglass Batt Installation/Radiant Barrier
Attic Cleaning Service Tech
Attic Insulation Install
Batt Insulation Removal
Attic Insulation Removal in Orange County
Fiberglass Wall Insulation

Serving the industry for over 10 years

Check out our partners!

Knauff Fiberglass Insulation
Fiberglass Insulation Products
Cellulose Insulation Install
HERO Registered Contractor
Attic Guys Financing
5 Stars Attic Insulation Removal and Attic Cleaning Contractor - Attic Guys

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